Senior Counsel Barrister at Law

Senior Counsel 2016
Junior Counsel 2000

Clíona Kimber is a Senior Counsel, Barrister and Litigator She is a CEDR accredited Mediator.

She is one of the leading Senior Counsel in Employment and Equality Law, and has acted in leading employment law cases. She regularly acts for the State, private litigants and international companies before the European Court, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Labour Court and Workplace Relations Commission.

She is also an expert in Data Protection Issues in the employment. EU Law. Constitutional Law, Judicial Review, Human Rights and Environmental Law.

Clíona is currently Chair of Comhshaol, the Climate Bar Association, and served as Chair of the Employment Bar Association from 2018-2020.

Cliona is co-author of the leading text on Employment Equality Law and writes extensively on employment law. She currently lectures on the Advanced Diploma in Employment Law at the Kings Inns Dublin.

She lectured part-time Labour Law in Trinity College Dublin from 2000- 2010 , and was a lecturer in Constitutional and International Environmental Law at the University of Aberdeen UK School of Law from 1993 – 2000.

Professional Memberships

  • Member of Council of Bar of Ireland
  • Committee Member of Employment Bar Association
  • Chair of Comhshaol – The Climate Bar Association
  • Committee Member of Irish Women Lawyers Association
  • Member of the Association of Pension Lawyers of Ireland
  • Education
  • Trinity College Dublin LLB
  • University of British Columbia LLM
  • Trinity College Dublin MA
  • Kings Inns BL